Rosemary Gladstar

The importance of having a relationship with the Natural World.

The Modern Day Wisdom Keepers Podcast
S1. E1. Rosemary Gladstar - The Importance of having a Relationship with the Natural World


Rosemary Gladstar has been practicing, living, learning, teaching and writing about herbs for over 50 years.  She is the author of twelve books including Medicinal Herbs; a Beginners Guide and Herbal Healing for Women, She is also the author and director of one of the most popular and comprehensive home study courses, The Science and Art of Herbalism.    In 2018 Rosemary was awarded an Honorary Doctorate for her life work from the National University of Naturopathic Medicine. Rosemary is the co-founder and former director of both The International Herb Symposium and The New England Women’s Herbal Conference, she is the Founding President of United Plant Savers, and the co-founder and original formulator of Traditional Medicinal Tea Company.   She recently moved from her home at Sage Mountain ~ an Herbal Retreat Center and Botanical Sanctuary where she has lived, taught and worked for the past 30 years ~ to a smaller haven where she plans to plant a small garden, dream more, do less, and spend more time with the plants. She is an inspiration and icon for anyone looking to develop a deep relationship with the natural world. So hang on for these next 45 minutes where we dive deep to learn the wisdom of the  ife’s work of Rosemary Gladstar.

Show Notes

“It's so lonely to think that we are separate from nature. Oh, my God….that's the deepest heartfelt loneliness I could possibly imagine a person feeling”

In this episode, I had the opportunity to be with a true icon. To soak in Rosemary's wisdom that is deeply enmeshed with the natural world. Throughout this episode, Rosemary smooths a balm of wisdom over our hearts, made from her 50 years of practicing, living, learning and teaching about herbs.

She shares her remarkable journey from some of her darkest days, how she made it a practice to watch the sunrise each day, and infused her body in the medicine of ancient plant relatives to nourish her soul when she needed it the most. 

Rosemary is a bright, luminous being that is confidently in her boots, walking at the experienced pace of a Wise Woman. She shares how taking on too much can be paralyzing, and how small steps in the right direction and showing up FULLY each day, are how you build, and leave, a legacy.

In this episode Rosemary shares the consequences of believing that humans are separate from nature; “We have become a nation of desperate people, a world of desperate people because we disconnected ourselves from our enormous family, which is the earth and the birds and the bugs. We've isolated ourselves from the family within us”

Rosemary gifts us endless pearls of wisdom, and provides insights as to why we need to care, and take responsibility, for the natural world in order to truly be human.

“What we're recognizing is that when we separate ourselves from our family, from the family of nature, we don't do so well”

“We wouldn't be able to survive for a minute if the plants stopped breathing, we would be done”

You don’t want to miss out on this dose of reassuring wisdom that not only motivates and uplifts the spirit, but also puts this time on earth into context. This whole conversation feels like she is calmly taking our hand for a walk down her garden path.

“We are always including the earth under our feet, the sky over our head, the plants around us so that we're actually cultivating our relationship with our greater family, you know, with nature, which is, as we were talking about earlier, essential to being human.”

Thank you Rosemary Gladstar.


Instagram: @rosemarygladstar
Website: About Rosemary Gladstar 
Offerings :  Home study Course The Science and Art of Herbalism
Donation from The Center for Sacred Arts going to Rosemary’s choice : United Plant Savers